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What is Green Computing


1. Using practical examples, describe green computing.  List and explain the steps that you can take to contribute to green computing.


2.is a video conferencing really viable green alternative to travel for most companies 

3. How big of role do green issues such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint, garbage, waste, water, space and transit play in the value proposition that you pitch to prospective customers when they are looking at upgrading their data?



Green Computing Definition

Green computing is an environmentally sustainable approach to managing information and communication technologies. It enables organisations to improve environmental stewardship by increasing energy efficiency, improving information management and providing appropriate analytical capability (Binder & Suri, 2009; Oslon, 2009).

Green Computing Description *

* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about Green Computing.

  • answered 4 years ago
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  • asked 4 years ago
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  • active 4 years ago

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