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button vs. input type=“button”. Which to use?


When looking at most sites (including SO), most of them use:


instead of:

  • What are the main differences between the two, if any?
  • Are there valid reasons to use one instead of the other?
  • Are there valid reasons to use combine them?
  • Does using  come with compatibility issues, seeing it is not very widely used?
  • html

  • asked 9 years ago
  • B Butts




Creating a consistent interface for your users is a constant struggle for every application designer. Building consistency on the web is especially tough because the visual rendering differences across browsers and operating systems are wildly different and almost arbitrary in what can and cannot be done. No where does this become more apparent than when you’re dealing with form elements and the biggest loser of them all in the battle for a standardized look is the infamous Submit button.

As is, the input with the type=”submit” is either too ugly (Firefox), a little buggy (Internet Explorer) or completely inflexible (Safari). The solution for most is to use image inputs and create the damn things ourselves. And it’s unfortunate, because then we’re reduced to the tedious tasks of opening up Photoshop every time we’re in need of a new button. What we need is something better—something more flexible and meant for designers. Lucky for us, the solution already exists and all it needs is a little love. My friends, let me introduce you to my little friend : the <button> element.

Inputs vs Buttons

So, here’s your standard submit button markup:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

And it looks like this across the three brothers:

Input Submits

Meh. Here’s the markup used when creating a button element that submits:

<button type="submit">Submit</button>

And it looks like this :


These buttons work and behave in exactly the same way as our counterparts above. In addition to submitting the form, you can make them disabled, add an accesskey or even specify a tabindex. Aside from the visual indifference Safari seems to have for them (it doesn’t put that forced aqua interface on it, which we’ll be able to use to our advantage), the coolest thing about the <button> tag is that you can put useful HTML elements inside them, like images:

<button type="submit"><img src="" alt="" /> Submit</button>

Which looks like this :

Buttons with Images

Nice. (Okay, they’re a little fugly, but I said they’re in need of a little love.) In fact, according to the W3C these special visual differences is exactly why the <button> elements were created.

  • answered 9 years ago
  • Sunny Solu

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  • asked 9 years ago
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