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PAYTM Account को आधार के साथ क्यों लिंक कराना चाहिए..?


PAYTM Account को आधार के साथ लिंक करने से User को क्या फायदा होता है | अपना Paytm account आधार से कैसे लिंक करे



आवश्यकता: आज के दौर में paytm एक popular digital wallet है, और आने वाले समय में paytm bank के रूप में देखा जा रहा है, अतः इससे जुड़े users को paytm के साथ अपना aadhaar लिंक करना उचित ही होगा

तत्काल फायदा : paytm को aadhaar के साथ लिंक करने पर , आपको 20000 shoping के बदले 100000 तक का monthly shoping मिलता है, और साथ में cash back offer की संभाबना अधिक रहती है.

Linking की प्रक्रिया : आप अपना paytm account को लॉग इन करे या app से , फिर aadhaar लिंक की option को click करे, अगले दिन paytm agent आपसे संपर्क करेगा, और biomatric machin से link कर देगा ....


या इसको देखे......


Please use your own mobile number here as you will receive real-time SMS and One Time Password (OTP) on the registered mobile number.
1. Launch Paytm app
2. Go to ‘Profile’ section at the bottom of the page
3. If you are not logged in: click on ‘sign in to Paytm’ (If you are logged in, skip Step 3)
4. Click on your name at the top of the page
5. Click ‘Verify Now’ in front of your Mobile number
6. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number for verification
7. If you do not have access to your registered mobile number, contact us: https://paytm.com/care/
8. Click on ‘Others’
9. Click on ‘Item Status’ and select ‘Others’ from the drop down
10. Write about the issue you are facing and enter your Email address
11. Click on ‘Submit Your Query’ & we will connect with you within 24 hours
1. Visit Paytm.com
2. If you are not logged in: click on ‘Log In/Sign Up’ on the top-right corner of the page and login by entering your registered details (If you are logged in, skip step 2)
3. Go to your account in the top-right corner and click on ‘View profile’
4. Click ‘Verify Mobile Number’ in front of your mobile number, if you do not see ‘Verify Mobile Number’ that means your mobile number is already verified
5. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number for verification
6. If you do not have access to your registered mobile number, contact us: https://paytm.com/care/ticket. Click on ‘Something else’
7. Click on ‘Your issue is regarding’ and select ‘Others’
8. Write about the issue you are facing and we will connect with you within 24 hours

  • answered 7 years ago
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  • asked 7 years ago
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