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What are ferrite beads?


Have you ever wondered what those little cylindrical  lumps on many power cords, mouse, keyboard, laptop, monitor cables and other such devices (like printer etc) are for, or why they even exist ? 



Have you ever wondered what those mysterious little cylindrical  lumps on many power cords, mouse, keyboard, laptop, monitor cables and other such devices (like printer etc) are for, or why they even exist ? 

Yes, These little cylindrical-shaped "bumps" are put there intentionally. These "bumps" are called ferrite beads or sometimes ferrite chokes. Their only goal  is to decrease electromagnetic interference and radio-frequency interference. In short, they are placed there to reduce unwanted signals or noises. We all know that, when two electromagnetic devices are connected via a cable, the cable acts as an antenna. This is where the problem occurs. Just like every antenna, these cables can also receive and transmit unwanted signals from  other  gadgets.Which results into the  generation of a noise or an unwanted Signals due to electromagnetic interference. (Unwanted signals: Signals that are not intended to be received or transmitted).

This is where the ferrite beads are important. A ferrite bead has the property of eliminating broadcast signals and making sure that our cables don't send  any signals other than the intended ones.

If you open these lumps, you will find a little cylinder-shaped solid made of ferrite, which is magnetic in nature.

Ferrite is made out of iron oxide (also known as iron rust) combined with some other metals; it's dark, hard, and brittle. But its magnetic qualities are really what help our gadgets get along.

  • answered 8 years ago
  • Nitish kumar

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  • asked 8 years ago
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  • active 8 years ago

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