Executing multiple SQL queries in one statement with PHP
How to join those multiple queries into one (can I?)
$query = "DELETE FROM aktywne_kody WHERE kodsms ='$kodSMSgracza' AND typkodu ='$id'";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$query = "INSERT INTO uzyte_kody (gracz, kodsms, typkodu) VALUES ('$nickGracza', '$kodSMSgracza', '$id')";
mysql_query($query) or die("Błąd MySQL X04");
$query = "INSERT INTO do_odebrania (gracz, itemDATA, itemQTY) VALUES ('$nickGracza', '$itemDATA', '$itemQTY')";
mysql_query($query) or die("Błąd MySQL X05");
By the way is it better if I do mysql_close($db) after all queries are done?
Pass 65536
to mysql_connect
as 5th parameter.
$conn = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password', true, 65536 /* here! */)
or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db('database_name') or die("cannot use database");
INSERT INTO table1 (field1,field2) VALUES(1,2);
INSERT INTO table2 (field3,field4,field5) VALUES(3,4,5);
DELETE FROM table3 WHERE field6 = 6;
UPDATE table4 SET field7 = 7 WHERE field8 = 8;
SELECT t6.field11, t6.field12, t7.field13
FROM table6 t6
INNER JOIN table7 t7 ON t7.field9 = t6.field10;
-- etc
When you are working with mysql_fetch_* or mysql_num_rows, or mysql_affected_rows, only the first statement is valid.
For example, the following codes, the first statement is INSERT, you cannot execute mysql_num_rows and mysql_fetch_*. It is okay to use mysql_affected_rows to return how many rows inserted.
$conn = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password', true, 65536) or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db('database_name') or die("cannot use database");
INSERT INTO table1 (field1,field2) VALUES(1,2);
SELECT * FROM table2;
Another example, the following codes, the first statement is SELECT, you cannot execute mysql_affected_rows. But you can execute mysql_fetch_assoc to get a key-value pair of row resulted from the first SELECT statement, or you can execute mysql_num_rows to get number of rows based on the first SELECT statement.
$conn = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password', true, 65536) or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db('database_name') or die("cannot use database");
SELECT * FROM table2;
INSERT INTO table1 (field1,field2) VALUES(1,2);
- answered 9 years ago
- B Butts
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