Differentiate OLTP and Data Warehouses.
There have two difference beetween OLTP and Data Warehouses. Can you explain it briefly and more points.
- and analyzed far more efficiently as compared to your regular OLTP application databases. In this sense an OLAP system is designed to be read-optimized.
- Separation from your application database also ensures that your business intelligence solution is scalable (your bank and ATMs don't go down just because the CFO asked for a report), better documented and managed.
Data Mining
Data Warehouses
- asked 9 years ago
- B Butts
Differentiate OLTP and Data Warehouses.
- Application databases are OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) systems where every transaction has to be recorded as and when it occurs. Consider the scenario where a bank ATM has disbursed cash to a customer but was unable to record this event in the bank records. If
- this happens frequently, the bank wouldn't stay in business for too long. So the banking system is designed to make sure that every transaction gets recorded within the time you stand before the ATM machine.
- A Data Warehouse (DW) on the other end, is a database (yes, you are right, it's a database) that is designed for facilitating querying and analysis. Often designed as OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems, these databases contain read-only data that can be queried
- and analyzed far more efficiently as compared to your regular OLTP application databases. In this sense an OLAP system is designed to be read-optimized.
- Separation from your application database also ensures that your business intelligence solution is scalable (your bank and ATMs don't go down just because the CFO asked for a report), better documented and managed.
- Creation of a DW leads to a direct increase in quality of analysis as the table structures are simpler (you keep only the needed information in simpler tables), standardized (well-documented table structures), and often de-normalized (to reduce the linkages between tables and the corresponding complexity of queries). Having a well-designed DW is the foundation for successful BI (Business Intelligence)/Analytics initiatives, which are built upon.
- Data Warehouses usually store many months or years of data. This is to support historical analysis. OLTP systems usually store data from only a few weeks or months. The OLTP system stores only historical data as needed to successfully meet the requirements of the current transaction.
- answered 9 years ago
- Sandy Hook
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