Warning: this doesn't work for arrays of primitives (see the comments).
- answered 8 years ago
- G John
Just to clear the code up to start with. We have (corrected):
public static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
This is a mutable static which FindBugs will tell you is very naughty. It should be private:
private static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
(Note, you can actually drop the new String[];
So, reference arrays are bad, and in particular here we want a set:
private static final Set<String> VALUES = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"}
(Paranoid people, such as myself, may feel more at ease if this was wrapped in Collections.unmodifiableSet
- it could even be made public.)
"Given String s, is there a good way of testing whether VALUES contains s?"
- answered 8 years ago
- Sandy Hook
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