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What is MAN? (Metropolitan Area Network)


What is MAN? (Metropolitan Area Network)



A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is a network spanning a physical area larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN, such as a city. A MAN is typically owned and operated by a single entity such as a government body or large corporation. This is often the case for hospitals that need to connecttreatment facilities, out – patient facilities, doctor’s offices, labs, and research offices for access to centralized patient and treatment information. To centralized patient and treatment information.

  • answered 3 years ago
  • B Butts


A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a metropolitan area, which could be a single large city, multiple cities and towns, or any given large area with multiple buildings.

  • answered 3 years ago
  • Abha Sharma

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