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How can I Get in Touch with Turkish Airlines from UK?


To connect with Turkish Airlines UK, you have to make sure that you have selected the guide below. That will help you get the correct information to contact customer service. You also must ensure that you have used the official data to contact them. In this way, you’re not going to go through any issues.

Ways to connect with Turkish Airlines:

To know the proper way to connect with Turkish Airlines, you must use the path below. Then you’ll be able to get the right help.

Via call

Calling is undoubtedly fast way to connect with the customer service team. You must make sure that you stick to the option below.

  • Call on number +90 212 463 63 63/1-802-216-2178.
  • You’ll see the options relevant to your issue in the IVR menu.
  • Now your call is going to be moved to the person who is trained for that query.
  • Explain your problem, and it is going to be fixed.

Via live chat

  • Get on the British Airways website.
  • Tap the “Contact us” button.
  • Select chat option.
  • In the chat box, you need to choose the appropriate options.

Once you have chosen the appropriate options, your chat will be moved to the person trained to handle your issue. So, if you were thinking, “How can I Get in Touch with Turkish Airlines from UK?” Then go through the options above.


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  • asked 2 years ago
  • viewed 505 times
  • active 2 years ago

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