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How long is KLM voucher valid for?

KLM Voucher is valid for 12 months. You need to ensure that you have used the voucher before the expiry date, or else you'll not be able to use it. You only need to ensure that you have followed the proper steps to utilize the voucher, then you'll be able to make the selection yourself. 


Procedure to utilize the voucher:


To use the voucher, you must ensure that you have followed the steps mentioned below. You can speak to a live person at KLM customer service, or you can visit the official website to utilize the voucher. 


Access the official website. 


Now write the booking details. 


Enter the destination, dates, number of passengers, and other details. Soon, you'll get the option to enter the voucher code. 


Once you have entered it, then you'll be able to get the discount you have been looking for. 


On the new page, you'll see the list of flights at a discounted price. You only need to choose the one which is relevant to your query. Now you need to enter the personal information regarding the booking you want to make. 


Through customer support. 


You can connect with customer support by following the information below. Once you have done that, then your issue will be answered shortly. And your refund will be processed by customer support. 


Via call: 


You can connect with KLM's customer support by calling their official number. 


Once you have associated with them, you only need to choose the options related to the refund. 


Once you associate with customer support, the agent will ensure you get the discount without any issue. 


Customer support will ensure that you get the discount without any issue. So, if you have a question, "How long is KLM voucher valid for?" Then you can utilize it within the period of twelve. 


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  • asked 2 years ago
  • viewed 769 times
  • active 2 years ago

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