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How Google Voice Hide Actual Number



A Short Guide on Google Voice Number

Google Voice is a service provider that allows us to make calls to different Google users. The rings are completed with the help of a perfectly working internet connection, and it requires an active internet connection on the other end of the call for the recipient to receive the call.


If you are a new Google Voice number user and one fine day, the question, ‘Does Google Voice hide your real number?’ strikes your mind, and you start thinking hard about the topic. If you find yourself badly stuck in a situation like this, you’ve come to the perfect place because the following points will efficiently help you understand the same topic.

Does Google Voice Number

The proceeding points will help you get a clear picture of the topic of how Google Voice number works and what are its loopholes;

  • When you make a phone call from your Google Voice number, your device must be connected to an active internet connection.

  • While calling, you’ll see another Google Voice number, and the same goes for the recipient.

  • Google Voice does hide your real number.

  • It displays a particular number dedicated from Google to all the users.

  • If you are receiving a call from a Google Voice number, you’ll be able to see the number provided by Google to that particular user.

  • You can view their profile photo, email address, and Google Voice number, but you cannot see their actual number.

  • The displayed information might vary according to the permission the other user has set.

  • You can customize your account and allow or deny the information you’d like the Google Voice number platform to showcase.

Henceforth, the points listed above will help you with the topic of does Google voice hide your real number for your benefit and advantage at the same time.


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  • asked 3 years ago
  • viewed 1338 times
  • active 3 years ago

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